Battlefield 1942 (2002): The original game set during World War II, it features the most well-known battles of the Western Front, Eastern Front, North African Front and the Pacific Front.The upcoming 2042, however, is set to eschew single-player once again, integrating story elements into the multi-player mode instead. Bad Company, however, changed this, coming with not only a cohesive, new storyline, but a group of notable characters that stuck with you the entire game, with their own distinct personalities and voices. For games set in 'reality' these maps and missions recreated important battles in 1942 and Vietnam.

The earlier games had no 'single-player' campaign, only multi-player missions with bots. The games are designed to be played in multi-player mode. These games are notable for being among the first to make large-scale use of mobile vehicles in an FPS game, as well as using large maps, and widespread use of environmental destruction after switching to Frostbite.

Apart from this series, the only other games DICE has released are Mirror's Edge series, the multi-player aspect of the recent modern-set Medal of Honor reboot, and the Star Wars Battlefront reboot series. A series of First-Person Shooter games by DICE (Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment, based out of Sweden), with help from Electronic Arts and other associated studios.